There is pleasure in making things grow than bringing them down. This is what compels most people to grow simple plants either inside the house or in the backyard. A reliable type of plant to grow is the Basil seed. However, one has to learn how to do this reliably.
1. Indoor or Outdoor
This is the first consideration that one has to make before commencing with growing basil. The plant grows easily and within days, one can see visible results. However, it is important to understand that it has poor resistance to low temperatures. This is what calls for the need to be nature the seedlings in a friendly environment before transplanting them into the garden. For the first four to six weeks, the seedlings require special care. One can either choose to grow them in pots or in a greenhouse. This is will offer a reliable environment for growth.
2. Right Seed
A mistake that most people make when it comes to growing basil seeds is the wrong seed choice. What one sows is what he reaps. When a poor quality seed is used, one ends up with unreliable results. Care has to be taken to make sure that the best seeds are acquired and grown. There are many options that one can turn to ranging from the Cinnamon basil which gives a spicy smell to the Lemon basil which produces a lemony smell. The purple Basil is developed for adornment and produces has great blossoms and aroma. There are also perennial seeds that one can choose. The best Basil seed to grow is the Gloabe and Greek basil. However, the two are the most difficult type of seeds to grow.
3. Get Quality Seeds
The quality of the basil seed plays a huge role in the final result. When a low quality seed is used, chances of it germinating are low. It is always a great idea to get quality seeds. This can be done by using reputable vendors. With quality seeds, there is a high growth percentage and the final results are always great.
4. What Next?
After the selection of the right basil seed, the next step is to grow it in a nursery. One can either choose a greenhouse or simple gardens or pots for first time growers. The seeds should be covered with an inch deep layer of dirt and watered regularly. Germination from quality seeds is witnessed after 4 to 7 days. After attaining a height of 2 inches, thinning should be done to reduce resource competition. A distance of about 10 inches should be maintained between seedlings.
5. Transplanting
The only time when one should transplant the seedlings is after they attain a height of 15 inches. It is advised to uproot them carefully without damaging the roots in any way. From a pot, one should turn it upside down and slide the plant together with the soil slowly to an open palm. If the transplant is to be made from a greenhouse, watering should be reduced and the seedlings exposed to direct light for about a day.
Source: http://growingbasilworld.wordpress.com/2011/06/27/5-steps-in-growing-basil-seeds/